Saturday, December 7, 2013

difference between would prefer, would rather, and prefer

Would rather, would prefer, prefer

How to use would ratherwould prefer and prefer correctly.
Would rather vs. would prefer - to express a specific preference
When we speak about a specific preference,would rather and would prefer have the same meaning and are interchangeable.We went to the theatre yesterday. Today Iwould rather go to the cinema.
We went to the theatre yesterday. Today Iwould prefer to go to the cinema.
Would rather can be abbreviated to 'd rather.
Would prefer can be abbreviated to 'd prefer.
I'd rather go to the cinema today.
I'd prefer to go to the cinema today.
Would rather is followed by the bare infinitive.
Would prefer is followed by to + infinitive.
I'd rather have water.
I'd prefer to have fruit juice.
We use a past tense after would rather when we speak about the actions of other people, even though that action may be in the present or future.I'd rather you took a taxi than walk - it's not safe on the streets at night. 
The film is quite violent. I'd rather our children didn't watch it.
When making a comparison we say:
would rather ... than
It's such nice weather - I'd rather sit in the garden than watch TV.
After would prefer we say:
would prefer ... rather than 
It's such nice weather - I'd prefer to sit in the garden rather than watch TV.

difference between grocery store and supermareket

grocery store - (A grocery store is usually smaller than a supermarket)
supermarket - (Supermarkets are only large.)

difference between grocery store and supermarket

  • Although in common usage the words are used as though they are the same, the distinction between them is size. Grocery store is a general term. While a supermarket is a grocery store, a grocery store is not always a supermarket. A supermarket is very large and usually has a variety of departments that wouldn't be found in a smaller grocery store; pharmacy, post office, fast food, walk-in clinic, etc.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

difference between play you play with you

play you - (бие биенийхээ эсрэг тоглоно гэсэн санаа. тэр хоёр өрсөлдөгч нар)
[transitiveintransitive] to be involved in a game; to compete against someone in a game
play someone
      ----- The Patriots are playing the Steelers tomorrow.
play against someone
      ----- The Patriots are playing against the Steelers on Saturday.

play with you - (хамт өөр хүмүүсийн эсрэг тоглох. тэр хоёр хамтрагч нар. Энэ мөн чиний эсрэг гэсэн санааг гаргана)
[intransitivetransitive] to do things for pleasure, as children do; to enjoy yourself, rather than work
play with someone/something
        ----- i will play with you

Difference between 'play you' and 'play with you'

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

difference between also, as well, and too

The adverbs also, as well and too have similar meanings, but they do not go in the same position in sentences. Also is usually used with the verb. Too and as well usually go at the end of a sentence or clause. Note that ‘as well’ is not very common in American English.

also - (басAlso comes after the verb.
as well - (мөн, бас)As well is more formal the others. and always at the end of sentence
too - (мөн, бас) informal and "too" used in more spoken English than in written English. always at the end of sentence

difference between as well, too, and also

Monday, December 2, 2013

book for data structure in c

if you study data structure class in c , you should read or know this book. since i studied this after studying c language, i want to suggest you read this book, i think this book is very good for data structure 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

difference between a/an and one

a/an - Using one puts more emphasis on the number

one    - A/an and one both refer to one thing, sounds more natural


difference between a/an - one...

(hi, i would like to know the difference between the word use "a/an" and "one";in other words, when is used these words in a phrase?

for example:
"please, give me one cigarette" or "please, gimme a cigarette"
i just use each one instinctively but i don't know its difference...
if you could help me, i'll thankful to you)

Friday, November 1, 2013

difference between refrigerator and fridge

refrigerator - (хөргөгч)

(also informal fridge)
a piece of electrical equipment in which food is kept cold so that it stays fresh

fridge - (хөргөгч)"fridge" is short for "refrigerator."
a large piece of electrical kitchen equipment, used for keeping food and drinks cool [= refrigerator]

difference between refrigerator and fridge

difference between operation and surgery

operation - (мэс засал )
[countable] the process of cutting open a part of a person's body in order to remove or repair a damaged part
      ----- Will I need to have an operation?
[countable] an organized activity that involves several people doing different things
     -----a security operation
surgery - (мэс ажилбархагалгаа )
medical treatment of injuries or diseases that involves cutting open a person's body and often removing or replacing some parts; the branch of medicine connected with this treatment
     ----- She required surgery on her right knee.\

difference between operation and surgery

difference between professional and specialist

specialist - (мэргэшсэн хүнмэргэжлийн хүн )specialist is a person who is an expert in a particular area of work or study
someone who knows a lot about a particular subject, or is very skilled at it
      ---- an attorney who is a specialist in banking law
professional - (боловсон хүчинмэргэжилтэн)professional is one who is paid for his job

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

difference between anyway, by the way

anyway - (ямартай ч, юутай ч)  in spite of the fact that you have just mentioned. 
- used when you are ignoring details so that you can talk immediately about the most important thing:
1)in spite of the fact that you have just mentioned:
    --- This idea probably won't work, but let's try it anyway.
2)used when adding a remark which shows that the fact just mentioned is not important:
     ---- They didn't have any trainers in my size, and anyway I'd already 
3)spoken used when you are ignoring details so that you can talk immediately about the most important            thing:
     ---- He got lost and spent hours looking for the station, and anyway it was past midnight by the                 time he got home.
4) spoken used when you are changing the subject of a conversation or returning to a previous subject:
         ---- Anyway, how are you?
by the way - (ингэхэд)used to introduce a comment or question that is not directly related to what you have been talking about

Monday, October 28, 2013

difference between inverse, reverse, and converse

inverse - adjective(урвуу)Typically, inverse refers to a vertical swapping of of something, like 2/4 is the inverse of 4/2.
1 [only before noun] opposite in amount or position to something else
        ----- There is often an inverse relationship between the power of the tool and how easy it is to use.
reverse - adjective(үсрэг тал, эсрэг дараалал, хөндлөнгөөрөө урвуу)Reverse usually refers to the horizontal swapping of something like 2x3 is the reverse of 3x2.
[only before noun]

reverse order/situation/process etc

the opposite order etc to what is usual or to what has just been stated:
     ---- to travel in the reverse direction
converse - adjective, noun(үсрэг утга, эсрэг logic)Converse is usually used in a logical sense. 

formal the opposite or

Saturday, October 26, 2013

difference between propose and offer

offer - (санал болгох)to ask someone if they would like to have something, or to hold something out to them so that they can take it. Offer to pay for the ice cream
1)[transitive] to ask someone if they would like to have something, or to hold something out to them so that they can take it
       ----- Can I offer you something to drink?
2)[intransitive and transitive] to say that you are willing to do something:
      ---- I don't need any help, but it was nice of you to offer.
3)[transitive] to provide something that people need or want
        ---- Your doctor should be able to offer advice on diet.
propose - (санал тавих)to formally suggest a course of action at a meeting and ask people to vote on it
Propose we go eat ice cream --Propose is the most formal.

Friday, October 25, 2013

difference between aim, objective and goal

aim - noun, verb(зорилт, оньлолт, зорилго, хүрэх зорилго1)aim is short- term
2)An aim is your general idea of how you'll get it! E.g. To become slimmer by doing more exercise.
3) An aim is a try for a goal, whether you succeed or not
4) "Goal" and "aim" are almost the same to me. They appear to describe the purposes of a certain plan or project.
1 [countable] something you hope to achieve by doing something
        ---- The aim of the research is to find new food sources.
2 take aim
    to point a gun or weapon at someone or something you want to shoot
          ---- Alan took aim at the target.
objective - noun, adjective(хүсэл эрмэлзэл, эрмэлзэл, санаархал)1)An Objective is your exact idea/step by step plan of how you'll achieve your goal.
2) First you have your objective, then you aim, shoot and you will have your goal.

 3) objective is why you want to achieve them.

4) An objective is to try to aim to score a goal
something that you are trying to achieve
      ---- the main/primary/principal objective
goal - noun(зорьсон зорилго, урдаа тавьсан зорилго)Goals are often long-term, and relate to people's life and career plans or the long-term plans of a company or organization. and  goal is a target or a desired result. 
example1  A goal is what you want to get. E.g. I want to be slimmer so that I can buy loads of fab new clothes! 
example 2 First you have your objective, then you aim, shoot and you will have your goal.

1 something that you hope to achieve in the future [= aim]:
        ---- His ultimate goal was to set up his own business.
purpose - (хүссэн зорилго, яваа хэрэг зориг1)purpose is the reason you aim to achieve that target or goal 
2)why do you want to do this
1 [countable usually singular] the purpose of something is what it is intended to achieve
      ---- The purpose of this meeting is to elect a new chairman.
      ---- What is the purpose of your visit?
2 [plural] the reasons that explain why something is needed or why it is considered in a particular way
     ---- Several of the items had religious purposes.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

difference between consist of and comprise

consist - (бүрдэх)
to be formed from two or more things or people:

consist of something 

phrasal verb      ---- The buffet consisted of several different Indian dishes.
comprise - (бүрэлдэх)
1 to consist of particular parts, groups etc
      ---- The house comprises two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room.
2 [transitive] to form part of a larger group of people or things
      ---- Women comprise a high proportion of part-time workers.

difference between consist and comprise
(Is there any difference between "to comprise" and "to consist [of]"?
The staff comprises ten teachers.
The staff consists of ten teachers.)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

difference between therefore, furthermore, and in addition (to)

these words always show two ideas 1 + 1 = 2. for example, In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight. ---- this sentence shows two ideas

in addition (to) --- (үүнээс гадна, үүн дээр) the most common 
furthermore --- (цаашилбал) next most formal (in middle of two words in addition and moreover)
moreover ---(түүнээс дээгүүр, тэрч байтугай) the most formal

Thursday, September 26, 2013

difference between yell and shout

yell - (хашгичих) to shout loudly --- чанга орилох "хашгичих" - гэсэн утга гаргана
[intransitivetransitive] to shout loudly, for example because you are angry, excited, frightened, or in pain
      ----  He yelled at the other driver.
shout - (орилох) to say something in a loud voice  --- чанга хэлэх "орилох" - гэсэн утга гаргана
1 [intransitivetransitive] to say something in a loud voice; to speak loudly/angrily to someone
       ---- Stop shouting and listen!
2 [intransitiveshout (out) to make a loud noise
      ---- She shouted out in pain when she tried to move her leg.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

difference between ass and butt

ass - (өгзөг, илжиг, мангууas* is the rude way.
1 (slang - хар яриаan impolite word for the part of the body that you sit on; your bottom
       ---- Get off your ass (= stop sitting around doing nothing).
2 (informala stupid person
      ---- Don't be such an ass!
butt - (бөгс, өгзөгThe nicer way to say it is butt
1 (informalthe part of the body that you sit on
      ---- Get off your butt and do some work!
2 the thick end of a weapon or tool
      ---- a rifle butt

difference between ass and butt

difference between weird and strange

weird adjective(гаж, этгээд гаж, хачирхалтайthe word "weird" suggests "odd" and Weird however is quite a lot stronger and means non-human behaviour or alien and is commonly used in an exaggerated(хэтрүүлсэн) way.
1 very strange or unusual and difficult to explain
       ---- She's a really weird girl.
2 strange in a mysterious and frightening way
       ---- She began to make weird inhuman sounds.
strangeadjective(үл мэдэгдэх, сонин үл мэдэгдэх, этгээдthe word "strange" suggests "unknown (of before)" and Strange is the normal word for anything out of the ordinary or foreign (It comes from the French word étranger which means a stranger or foreigner).
1 unusual or surprising, especially in a way that is difficult to understand
       ---- A strange thing happened this morning.

difference between strange and weird

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

reading any text

this website is very interesting if you want to improve your listening and pronunciation. it is easy to use. you can input or write any text you want then choose speaker and country. finally, click button "say it". it is all.
the following picture is appearance of this website --- this is link of the website

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

c programming book

this book is very good to learn c programming language. you can read this book and write program on "CODE::BLOCK" which is a program we use to write any program. this program of c language contains both C and C++. so when you write program for C language, you should pick C. i also showed how to download this programming language which is code::block. you can see it the following thing

difference between pick and choose

pick - (сонгож авах, шилж сонгох)To pick, often is to choose from a number of alternatives(хувилбар), i.e. someone asks you to pick a card from a deck of cards
choose - (сонгох)In some cases they’re not so interchangeable “I choose to live” not “I pick to live”.

difference between pick and choose

  • In some cases they’re not so interchangeable “I choose to live” not “I pick to live”.
    To pick, often is to choose from a number of alternatives(хувилбар), i.e. someone asks you to pick a card from a deck of cards, or to pick a color from a list, or pick something from of set of options. To choose is less restrictive, there may not be a predetermined list to choose from, i.e. choose something as your present, choose me something, etc.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

difference between later, later on, and afterwards

later - (дараа)after a while, a short or long time, not specific. but not give any indication of when.
1 at a time in the future; after the time you are talking about
       ----- I met her again three years later.
        ----- See you later.
later on - (дараа, дараа нь )"later" and "later on" essentially mean the same thing.
 (informalat a time in the future; after the time you are talking about
         ---- I'm going out later on.
afterward - (дараа нь, дараад нь)"First, we'll go to a movie. Afterwards, we'll get pizza." You can also say "later, we'll get pizza," but "afterwards" means "after the movie" specifically.
(also afterwards )
at a later time; after an event that has already been mentioned
      ---- She was sorry afterward for what she said.
      ---- Let's go out now and eat afterward.

difference between afterward and later

difference between wait and wait up

wait - (хүлээх)when you say wait, you are not necessarily telling me to stop doing whatever I am doing at that particular moment. 
1 [intransitivetransitive] to stay where you are or delay doing something until someone or something comes or something happens
        ---- She rang the bell and waited.
wait up - (унталгүй хүлээх, түр азнаж хүлээх, хүлээж азнах)when you're walking on the street, you see someone ahead of you, you say , "hey mikey, wait up", now that means I have to stop walking and wait till you catch up so that you can speak to me"
wait up used to ask someone to stop or go more slowly so that you can join them
        ---- Wait up — you're walking too fast for me.

wait up (for someone)

 to wait for someone to come home at night before you go to bed
         ---- I'll be back very late, so don't wait up for me.

difference between wait and wait up

difference between provide and supply

provide - (хангах, юмыг нь хангаж өгөх)PROVIDE is use in general conversation.  to give something to someone or make it available for them to use
1 to give something to someone or make it available for them to use
provide something
      ---- The hospital has a commitment to provide the best possible medical care.
provide for someone
to give someone the things that they need to live, such as food, money, and clothing
       ---- He didn't provide for them in his will (= did not leave them any money).

provide for something

to make preparations to deal with something that might happen in the future       ---- The original system did not provide for this sudden increase in - (ханган нийлүүлэх, хангамжаар хангах)SUPPLY is sort of technical and professional word. especially in large quantities
to provide someone or something with something that they need or want, especially in large quantities
supply something to someone/something
      ---- Foreign governments supplied arms to the rebels.

Friday, September 13, 2013

difference between check and check out

check - (шалгах, шалгаж үзэх) we would not say "check out my bag". but we say "check my bag"  for example - "I will check that website" means "it probably means I am going back to the same site I have used before to see if there is an update, etc."
1 [transitiveto examine something to see if it is correct, safe, or acceptable
      ---- Check the container for cracks or leaks.
2 [intransitivetransitive] to find out if something is correct or true, or if something is how you think it is
       ---- “Is Mary in the office?” “Just a moment. I'll go and check.”
check out - (хянах, хянаж үзэх to be found to be true or acceptable after being examined - энэ өгүүлбэр нь бид ямар нэг шалган шинжилсэний дараа "хянаж and  хянаж үзэх" хийдэг. мөн энэ нь үүнтэй таарч байна - "Generally, check out" means to check/see/investigate for the first time."
1 to be found to be true or acceptable after being examined
      ---- The local police found her story didn't check out.
2 to take the things you want to buy at a supermarket to a counter and pay for them
      ---- As soon as I get a couple more items, I'll be ready to check out.

difference between check and check out

  • Generally, "check out" means to check/see/investigate for the first time. 

    You would not "check out" your bag -- you have seen it many times, you just want "check" to be sure that you have everything.

    If I say I will "check out" a website, it means I will go see it for the first time. If I "check" it, it probably means I am going back to the same site I have used before to see if there is an update, etc.

  • I will check/check out that website: to check a website is to look for something specific; to check it out is to take a look around in a general way. In practice there is a lot of overlap between the two.

    I have to check the soup and see if it's boiling.
    I want to check out that new store downtown and see what they sell.

    I am going to check/check out my bag to see if I have everything in it.

    We'd probably say "check my bag," although you have to be careful because "to check a bag" also means, for example, to leave it at a hotel desk or airport baggage area. Again:

    I'm going to check my bag and see if my sunglasses are in there.
    I'm going to check out the new bag they're selling in the store downtown.

    Hope that helps.