Friday, October 25, 2013

difference between aim, objective and goal

aim - noun, verb(зорилт, оньлолт, зорилго, хүрэх зорилго1)aim is short- term
2)An aim is your general idea of how you'll get it! E.g. To become slimmer by doing more exercise.
3) An aim is a try for a goal, whether you succeed or not
4) "Goal" and "aim" are almost the same to me. They appear to describe the purposes of a certain plan or project.
1 [countable] something you hope to achieve by doing something
        ---- The aim of the research is to find new food sources.
2 take aim
    to point a gun or weapon at someone or something you want to shoot
          ---- Alan took aim at the target.
objective - noun, adjective(хүсэл эрмэлзэл, эрмэлзэл, санаархал)1)An Objective is your exact idea/step by step plan of how you'll achieve your goal.
2) First you have your objective, then you aim, shoot and you will have your goal.

 3) objective is why you want to achieve them.

4) An objective is to try to aim to score a goal
something that you are trying to achieve
      ---- the main/primary/principal objective
goal - noun(зорьсон зорилго, урдаа тавьсан зорилго)Goals are often long-term, and relate to people's life and career plans or the long-term plans of a company or organization. and  goal is a target or a desired result. 
example1  A goal is what you want to get. E.g. I want to be slimmer so that I can buy loads of fab new clothes! 
example 2 First you have your objective, then you aim, shoot and you will have your goal.

1 something that you hope to achieve in the future [= aim]:
        ---- His ultimate goal was to set up his own business.
purpose - (хүссэн зорилго, яваа хэрэг зориг1)purpose is the reason you aim to achieve that target or goal 
2)why do you want to do this
1 [countable usually singular] the purpose of something is what it is intended to achieve
      ---- The purpose of this meeting is to elect a new chairman.
      ---- What is the purpose of your visit?
2 [plural] the reasons that explain why something is needed or why it is considered in a particular way
     ---- Several of the items had religious purposes.

These are all words for something that you are trying to a result that you try to achieve: Set targets that you can reasonably hope to achieve. sales targetsobjective (somewhat formal) something that you are trying to achieve: What are the objectives of this project?goal something that you hope to achieve: He continued to pursue his goal of becoming an, objective, or goal?target is usually officially recorded in some way, for example by an employer. It is often specific, and in the form of figures, such as number of sales, exam scores, or a date. People often set their own objectives: these are things that they wish to achieve, often as part of a project or a talk they are giving.Goals are often long-term, and relate to people's life and career plans or the long-term plans of a company or organization.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
difference between goal, aim and objective

  • Goal is long- term, aim is short- term and objective is why you want to achieve them.

  • A goal is what you want to get. E.g. I want to be slimmer so that I can buy loads of fab new clothes! 

    An aim is your general idea of how you'll get it! E.g. To become slimmer by doing more exercise. 

    An Objective is your exact idea/step by step plan of how you'll achieve your goal. E.g. To lose 7lb by Friday 29th September by making the following changes: walking up the stairs instead of running once a day, going for a 30 minute walk everyday, only eating 1 bag of crisps per day etc for the next 3 weeks. 

  • First you have your objective, then you aim, shoot and you will have your goal. e.g see a girl, really like, set your objective. Aim, sent her flowers, first kiss and bring her to a hotel. Objective, to have a stable family and raise kids

  • Goal: 
    1. something that you hope to achive in future; AIM 
    (but also has 2 more meanings) 

    1. what you are hoping to achieve by a plan, action or activity 
    (but, also 2 more meanings, and the verb aim) 

    1. an aim that you are trying to achieve, espsecially in business or politics 
    (and one more meaning and adjective) 

  • A goal scores points at football 
    An aim is a try for a goal, whether you succeed or not 
    An objective is to try to aim to score a goal

difference between aim and goal

  • A goal is something you work toward, a long-term set-point of what you want to accomplish.
    An aim is a focal(фокустай) point, something to keep your eye on for now.

    So you could aim to be perfect in an exam but your real goal is to graduate from school.

  • Goal is more broad than aim, aim is more specific. you nomally need to achieve several aims to reach the goal. Am I right? 

    Goal is the purpose toward which an endeavor is directed; an objective. 
    Aim more mean to direct toward an intended goal.“to turn something in the direction of an intended goal or target''. 

  • A goal is a target or a desired result. 
    The aim is the process of orienting yourself and your actions towards a goal or an ambition.

    An aim is like a relatively long term plan of action. When you aim, you try to see the bigger picture. 

    The goal is the final point or level to reach at, and doing so in a sense brings closure to the aim that you had some time ago. 

    Often, goals form subsets of the aim itself. Let’s say you’re fascinated by hybrid cars and want to come up with one yourself. Your aim then becomes to get to see your ideas up and running on the roads. How do you go about it? You set yourself small goals, carefully thought out to achieve the said aim. These goals can be designing the engine, selecting the fuel, designing the car itself and so on. Each and every component once completed forms the whole, and the job is done.

    Goals can thus form stepping stones which then come together to make up a stairway that finally leads to the aim.

difference between target, aim, goal, purpose

  • goal is the point/place you wish to the goal is to climb 100 feet...then anything 100 feet or over is your can surpass/exceed it 

    target is the exact goal...100 feet is the target 

    aim is the direction/action you take to get to the goal/target 

    purpose is the reason you aim to achieve that target or goal 

    so "the target of this idea" does not could use "the objective of this idea"

  • "Purpose" is the most general of the terms, and can be used to substitute the rest of the words almost all the time. 

    "Target" involves a goal designated in detail, a specific end to achieve. 

    "Goal" and "aim" are almost the same to me. They appear to describe the purposes of a certain plan or project.

  • Two can be used synonymously. 

    "The goal of this statement..." 
    "The aim of this statement..." 

    They CAN be used for the same meaning, but the other two mean various things. Target is to whom the speech, message, etc. is directed. Aim can be used in close relation to target. The purpose is why you are making the speech. It is quite close to goal and aim but conveyed by readers in the differnet ways

  • Goal = is the achievement or task you set out to do 

    aim = how do you aim to achieve this 

    purpose = why do you want to do this 

    target = when will you achieve this by

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