Sunday, September 15, 2013

difference between provide and supply

provide - (хангах, юмыг нь хангаж өгөх)PROVIDE is use in general conversation.  to give something to someone or make it available for them to use
1 to give something to someone or make it available for them to use
provide something
      ---- The hospital has a commitment to provide the best possible medical care.
provide for someone
to give someone the things that they need to live, such as food, money, and clothing
       ---- He didn't provide for them in his will (= did not leave them any money).

provide for something

to make preparations to deal with something that might happen in the future       ---- The original system did not provide for this sudden increase in - (ханган нийлүүлэх, хангамжаар хангах)SUPPLY is sort of technical and professional word. especially in large quantities
to provide someone or something with something that they need or want, especially in large quantities
supply something to someone/something
      ---- Foreign governments supplied arms to the rebels.

difference between provide and supply

  • To supply something is to make something available as per a request. Supplies are things that you need, such as office supplies, which can be found in office supply stores. It's difficult to make a clear distinction here. 

    To provide something is similar to supplying it, such that it is also a response to a need. You can provide the necessary medical attention to an injured person. Provide is different than supply in that you do not necessarily supply your own expertise as you can provide it. You can provide help, but you cannot supply it. Supplying is for things, provide is for anything.

  • PROVIDE is use in general conversation whereas SUPPLY is sort of technical and professional word. 
    For example, it is the responsibility of government to provide its every citizen with basic needs. 
    SUPPLY: During war, Pakistani soldier cut Indian army supply line. 
    Water supply line of the city damaged. 

  • provide: take measures in preparation for; "provide for the proper care of the passengers on the cruise ship"
    supply: provide something that is needed or desired; furnish, equip; make up for, compensate for; temporarily substitute for

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