Monday, February 9, 2015

difference between pack, packet, packaging, packing, parcel, and package

pack - сав, уут, хайрцаг
([countable] (especially North American English) a container, usually made of paper, that holds a number of the same thing or an amount of something, ready to be sold)
packet - сав, уут, хайрцаг
((British English) a small paper or cardboard container in which goods are packed for selling)

difference between pack and packet

package - боодолтой юм, баглаатай юм
((North American English) something that is wrapped in paper or put into a thick envelope so that it can be sent by mail, carried easily, or given as a present)
parcel - боодолтой юм, баглаатай юм
((especially British English) (usually North American English package) something that is wrapped in paper or put into a thick envelope so that it can be sent by mail, carried easily, or given as a present)

               difference between package and parcel
  • I am 100% sure there is a BE/AE difference. All my BE-speaking friends say "parcel"; the Americans, "package". They mean the same thing.

  • parcel (especially British English) (North American English usually package) something that is wrapped in paper or put into a thick envelope so that it can be sent by mail, carried easily, or given as a present

packaging -  сав, боодол, хайрцаг (хийж, хадгалах зарах гэж байгаа бүтээгдэхүүний)
(materials used to wrap or protect goods that are sold in shops/stores)
packing - сав, боодол, баглаа(just before to send the product or things)
(material used for wrapping around delicate objects in order to protect them, especially before 
sending them somewhere)

difference between packaging and packing

  • packing - any material used especially to protect something; or
    the enclosure of something in a package or box
    packaging - material used to make packages

  • I agree with these. Packaging is the ampule, the vial, the bottle, the drum, the box, the bag, etc. Packing is the material used to stop things in the package from moving around and to provide added protection (the filler).

difference between pack, packet, packaging, packing, parcel, and package

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