Thursday, May 14, 2015

Difference between - Even though, Even if, Even when & Even so

These expressions are not always interchangeable; the context of the sentence will affect your choice:

"Even though" is used when something is always done or a fact is mentioned.

"Even when" is used when something is occasionally done.

"Even if" is used when something is rarely done or just imagined.

Even So

"Even so" is very much like the word "but" or "however." "Even so" is different in that it is used with surprising or unexpected results.


She is loud and unfriendly. Even so, I like her.
She is loud and unfriendly, so it is unexpected that I like her.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

useful words and expressions for rain

Love it or hate it, we all have to deal with rain. In this essential vocabulary lesson, you will learn some words and expressions that describe rain. How do you talk about light rain and heavy rain? What is the difference between "drizzling", "spitting", and "pouring"? What is a "puddle"? What does it mean if you are "soaked" or "drenched"? Grab an umbrella, and get ready to improve your vocabulary. You will be singing in the rain in no time!
by Alex who are in the following video