Sunday, July 6, 2014

difference between confident and sure

confident - (итгэл дүүрэн, өөртөө итгэлтэй, өөртэй итгэл дүүрэнcompletely sure, stronger and more definite word than sure and is more often used in positive statements, when you feel no anxiety.
sure - (итгэлтэй) is often used in negative statements and questions, because there is some doubt or anxiety over the matter.

difference between confident and sure

These words all describe someone who knows without doubt that something is true or will happen.sure [not before noun] without any doubt that you are right, that something is true, that you will get something, or that something will happen: I'm not sure whether John is coming or not. Are you sure about that? The Orioles are sure to win this weekend.NOTE Sure is often used in negative statements and questions, because there is some doubt or anxiety over the matter. If there is no doubt, people often use knowI know (that) I left my bag here (= I have no doubt about it).confident completely sure that something will happen in the way that you want or expect: I'm confident that you'll get the job. The team is confident that they will win.NOTE Confident is a stronger and more definite word than sure and is more often used in positive statements, when you feel no anxiety.

What is the difference between sure and confident?

Both 'confident' and 'sure' can describe the feeling when somebody firmly believes something. It states an opinion.
"I am sure/confident that we can finish on time."

However, 'sure' can also be used to state that something is definitely true - not an opinion, but a fact.
"The sun is sure to come up tomorrow."
"It is icy outside. The roads are sure to be slippery."

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