Saturday, February 21, 2015

difference between 'i have gotta go' and 'i gotta go'

i have gotta go (Both "I've gotta go." and "I gotta go." are just the way that people speak sometimes, and they mean the exact same thing.)

i gotta go(Both "I've gotta go." and "I gotta go." are just the way that people speak sometimes, and they mean the exact same thing.)

I've gotta go, I gotta go

(While I am watching American TV series, I sometimes see a sentence; Ive gotta go.

But, sometimes an actor says I gotta go instead of I've gotta go

Is there any difference between those things??)

  • Both "I've gotta go." and "I gotta go." are just the way that people speak sometimes, and they mean the exact same thing. But, the only time you would see them written down is as dialogue in a script. They are both poor spelling and poor grammar. The proper way to say this (especially in writing) is "I have to go."

  • In informal speech, the present perfect auxiliary have is commonly omitted (suffers ellipsis) in various positions. 
    You seen Fred? 
    - Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. (Here the subject of the sentence, I, has also suffered ellipsis.)
    - Got a job yet? 

    It seems this phenomenon extends to this quasi-present-perfect. 
    I gotta go.

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