Sunday, October 12, 2014

difference between pallid and pale

pale - ()PALE refers mostly to someone who is usually healthy looking but for some reason, like sickness or fright, is pale.

pallid - ()PALLID refers to someone who is generally weak-looking without much color. He doesn't have to be sick or frightened like in PALE.

pale vs pallid

(the difference between pale and pallid?)

  • Well, they are "near synonyms". They mean almost the exact same thing.

    PALE refers mostly to someone who is usually healthy looking but for some reason, like sickness or fright, is pale.

    PALLID refers to someone who is generally weak-looking without much color. He doesn't have to be sick or frightened like in PALE.

    You would say:

    You look PALE. (estas enfermo?)
    He's got a PALLID complexion. (Siempre tiene cara palida y sin color)

  • I think there is'nt difference, pale and pallid mean the same thing .Anyway pale means paletto in a different contest bye

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