Sunday, March 23, 2014

difference between split and divide

split - (хагалан хуваах)not all equal (lets split 10 in 5 4,2,1,1,1,1), To split something it to cause it to divide, usually using some type of force that causes it to break. 

divide - (хуваах) all equal ( divide in 'always' in even parts) lets divide 10/5 '2,2,2,2,2',  dividing implies deliberate(урьдаас тооцоолсон, төлөвлөсөн) precision

difference between split and divide

(Can you help me, what is the main difference between two verbs? To split and to divide? For example. Country divided into 5 parts or split into 5 parts?
Thank you in advance.)

  • not much difference. 'Divide' might suggest a more equal distribution between the parts, and it may also suggest a more careful, thought-out action than 'split'.

  • To split something it to cause it to divide, usually using some type of force that causes it to break. When someone says "split" they are essentially using a different way to say "divide". A country divided into 5 parts and a country SPLIT into 5 parts is virtually the same thing, however, saying "a country split into 5 parts" is more like saying "a country (that has been) broken into 5 parts". In everyday conversation or simplified explanation, it is more informal and casual to say "split" instead of saying "divide", but something that has been split was probably divided by force or broken into parts. Does that make sense?
    Side note: Splitted is not a word. The word "split" is the same in the past, present, and future tense, with the exception being progressive/continuous forms where you would say "splitting" as in "He is splitting them up" or "We are splitting the cost". =)

  • I would say the distinction is that splitting implies crude or forceful, you split a log (or an infinitive) while dividing implies deliberate(урьдаас тооцоолсон, төлөвлөсөн) precision(нарийн, яг нарийн тодорхой), you divide a circle into quadrants ( or Gaul into three parts )

  • I understand these words like this:                                                                                                  split: not all equal (lets split 10 in 5 4,2,1,1,1,1) or all equal (split in 'even' parts 2,2,2,2,2).
    divide: all equal ( divide in 'always' in even parts) lets divide 10/5 '2,2,2,2,2' all equal.

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