Monday, August 26, 2013

difference between route, road, and highway

route - (маршрут зам, аваачих зам)A route is the way you take to get to your destination(зорьсон газар, очих газар)
1 a way that you follow to get from one place to another
      ---- Which is the best route to take?
2 a particular way of achieving something
route (to something)
      ---- the route to success
road - (зам, авто зам)"The road to something" is generally "the way to something". the road as we know today, for cars and trucks.
1 a hard surface built for vehicles to travel on
      ---- The house is on a very busy road.
      ----- country/mountain/ main/major/back/side road
2 the way to achieving something
      ---- to be on the road to recovery(сэргэлт)
highway - (гол зам, төв зам)Which is a "super road" developed to carry more traffic than a normal road would. Laws on highways are different than on normal "ways" or "roads".
a main road for traveling long distances, especially one connecting and going through cities and towns
     ---- Highway patrol officers closed the road.

difference between route, road, highway

  • I am not mother tongue but:
    route is what you take to get there. This could be via sea, down the stairs to your bathroom or whatever.

    Road can be used in different ways;

    Road to ruin could be stretched to "the route you take to ruin" in that it is a way to get there. "The road to something" is generally "the way to something".
    This I guess comes from "the Road" as the actual paved(шалласан, дэвсмэл), roman carriageway(цагаан зам) for horses and men to travel through.
    Which then got a layer of tarmac and became the road as we know today, for cars and trucks.

    Highway is American for Motorway. Which is a "super road" developed to carry more traffic than a normal road would.
    A highway isn't such if there aren't signs at the beginning and at the end of it to identify it as such.
    Laws on highways are different than on normal "ways" or "roads".
    These depend on the countries, for instance in Germany they are called Autobahns and there are no speed limits on them so cars can go as fast as they want and this here person did 190mph on one GSXR1400 Hayabusa.
    When you go VERY fast you don't last long as you run out of gas very quickly, maybe 30 minutes. 
    As far as I know in the USA you can't go as fast as you go, more like 70mph or something equally 'freebird" like.

    In France (or, hell on earth) they make you pay to use them, and many brits declare themselves penniless at the end of it and the French can't do anything much but let them go..

  • A route is the way you take to get to your destination. You could, for example walk along a road, over a field and sail across a river to get there, it's all part of your route.

    A road is another word for a highway or path.

    A highway is a public road or footpath as opposed to just a road, which could be private

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