Friday, August 16, 2013

difference between job and work

job - (ажил, үүрэг) гол төлөв жижиг сажиг ажил
paid work
1 work for which you receive regular payment
     --- He's trying to get a job.
     --- She took a job as a waitress.


2 a particular task or piece of work that you have to do     --- I've got various jobs around the house.
work - (ажил , ажил төрөл) гол төлөв мөнгөний төлөө


1 the job that a person does, especially in order to earn money     ---- She had been out of work (= without a job) for a year.     ---- He started work as a security guard.
difference between job and work

1)  A job is a particular task that people do to earn money. If you say that someone is doing a good job, you       mean that they are doing it well.If you say that you have a job doing something, you are emphasizing how       difficult it is. 
        People who work have a job,usually one that they are paid to do.When you work, you do the things that              you are required to do in your job. When you work, you spend time and effort doing a task that need to be            done.

2)    Don't say "a work" unless you are talking about musical compositions.
     I'm working now. Please call me later.
     A task is one thing you need to do. It can be take the dog to the vet, buy stamps, draft a          report for work, or return a phone call.

     The word "job" does have one meaning that can apply to what you wrote. Someone who            works as a handyman, for example, might have "a job" in the sense that it means one                customer who has asked him to do one thing. "I have a few jobs out in your part of town on         Monday; I might be late, but I can stop by after I finish them up." Otherwise, your job is            what you do for work. I am a business writer. She is a doctor. He is a teacher. That is their        job.   

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