Monday, August 31, 2015

difference between award and prize and reward

award - (An award is usually a token of appreciation for doing something well. A prize is usually a thing or money, while an award is often a certificate. "What did you win in the competition? If you answer "award", then we expect a token of effort and merit (a certificate, a medal, a plaque). You can't use "reward" here; only prizes and awards are won. ")
prize - ("prize" is rarely used as a verb, and when it is, it doesn't mean anything that "reward" or "award" do. A prize is generally won in a competition or a contest. "What did you win in the competition?" If you answer "prize", then we expect something of some material value (100 dollars, a new car, a trip to Hawaii).)
reward - (Shagnal uranshuulal -
"The teacher rewarded his students for their hard work with a week of no homework". You can't use "award" here.)

the difference among award, reward and prize?

(Hello Everyone,:)

I would like to know here the salient difference among award , reward and prize?)

Friday, August 14, 2015

difference between pride and proud

pride - (                                   "Pride" is a noun.
"Pride" is what someone has.)
proud - (                                "Proud" is an adjective.
"Proud" is what someone is.)

Do you think there is a difference between PRIDE and PROUD? so, please explain.......?

  • You may be said to have pride or you may said to be proud, noun versus adjective. To say someone has proud or that someone is pride would be an incorrect usage in either case. 

    Yes, the two are related and in much the same way as tall and height. You are tall if you have height. You are not called height if you have tall.