[noun]pleasure ---- [adjective]pleased
[noun]delight ---- [adjective]delightful
[noun]joy ---- [adjective]joyful
pleasure - (сэтгэл хангалуун байдал)a state of feeling or being happy or satisfied(pleased because you have achieved something or because something that you wanted to happen has happened) ---(энэ нь сэтгэл ханамжтай байгаа happy - г илэрхийлнэ)
delight - (баяр цэнгэл, баяр цэнгэлийн ханамж)great pleasure and delights are not contrasted with sorrow
joy - (баяр хөөр)thing that causes you to feel very happy and joys are often contrasted(зөрөлдөх, эсрэг) with sorrows (бид баяр хөөр, уй гашуу гэж хэлдэг. Тиймээс баяр хөөр гэж орчуулвал зохино)
[noun]delight ---- [adjective]delightful
[noun]joy ---- [adjective]joyful
pleasure - (сэтгэл хангалуун байдал)a state of feeling or being happy or satisfied(pleased because you have achieved something or because something that you wanted to happen has happened) ---(энэ нь сэтгэл ханамжтай байгаа happy - г илэрхийлнэ)
delight - (баяр цэнгэл, баяр цэнгэлийн ханамж)great pleasure and delights are not contrasted with sorrow
joy - (баяр хөөр)thing that causes you to feel very happy and joys are often contrasted(зөрөлдөх, эсрэг) with sorrows (бид баяр хөөр, уй гашуу гэж хэлдэг. Тиймээс баяр хөөр гэж орчуулвал зохино)
difference between pleasure and joy
Zadie Smith understands pleasure as an experience of the daily occurrences of life: eating, people-watching. These “small pleasures” satisfy a big part of her desire for pleasure.
Joy is very different: it doesn’t, per se, provide pleasure but is rather a “strange admixture of terror, pain, and delight.” Smith’s true love for her husband and child is far more important than pleasure, for instance.
Both agree that joy is something much more than the bodily pleasures that satisfy an animal. As Smith puts it, animals always “choose a pleasure over a joy.” Aquinas, agrees, though with a philosophical refinement: “We do not attribute joy to brute animals”—it’s not quite that animals choose pleasure over joy; there’s no choice because they are incapable of experiencing joy in the sense that humans do
difference between delight and joy
- I defer to someone more familiar with joy and delight.
These are all words for things that make you happy or bring you enjoyment.pleasure a thing that brings you enjoyment or satisfaction(сэтгэл ханах, санаанд хүрэх, сэтгэл ханамжтай): the pleasures and pains of everyday life It's been a pleasure talking with you.delight a thing or person that brings you great enjoyment or satisfaction: the delights of living in the countryjoy a thing or person that brings you great enjoyment or happiness: the joys and sorrows of childhoodpleasure, delight, or joy?A delight or a joy is greater than a pleasure; a person, especially a child, can be a delight or joy, but not a pleasure; joys are often contrasted(зөрөлдөх, эсрэг) with sorrows, but delights are not..
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