Saturday, March 28, 2015

difference between treat and cure

treat - (эмчлэх)
cure - (илаашруулйх, идгээх)

What is the difference between cure and treatment?

  • a cure is something that will get rid of the illness completely but a treatment is something that will help you to feel better and maybe help you but it isn't guaranteed to cure you. I hope this helped!

  • Cure means the disease or medical condition had been treated and resolved. 

    Treatment means the condition has been medically cared for by means of drugs or procedures.

  • I would say that when one goes to a doctor with an ailment, one most likely gets a treatment plan (providing there is treatment available). At that point, the doctor will usually give you your chances at a possible CURE, providing that there is one. 

    In other words, a treatment may or may not lead to a CURE, per se. A cure can many times be the result of treatment. Hope that I've helped some!!

  • a cure takes away the sickness or whatever it is forever. 
    a treatment has to be taken regularly

you can watch next video if you want to know more about medical vocabulary

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