split - (хагалан хуваах)not all equal (lets split 10 in 5 4,2,1,1,1,1), To split something it to cause it to divide, usually using some type of force that causes it to break.
divide - (хуваах) all equal ( divide in 'always' in even parts) lets divide 10/5 '2,2,2,2,2', dividing implies deliberate(урьдаас тооцоолсон, төлөвлөсөн) precision
divide - (хуваах) all equal ( divide in 'always' in even parts) lets divide 10/5 '2,2,2,2,2', dividing implies deliberate(урьдаас тооцоолсон, төлөвлөсөн) precision
difference between split and divide
(Can you help me, what is the main difference between two verbs? To split and to divide? For example. Country divided into 5 parts or split into 5 parts?
Thank you in advance.)
- not much difference. 'Divide' might suggest a more equal distribution between the parts, and it may also suggest a more careful, thought-out action than 'split'.