location - (байршил, байрлах газар)
a place where something happens or exists; the position of something
--- What is the exact location of the ship?
place - (талбай, газар) энэ хэсэг бүлэг газар, талбайг бүхэлд нь илэрхийлнэ. Жишээ нь New York is a good place - new york хотын эзэлж байгаа хэсэг газарыг илэрхийлж байгаа
1 a particular position, point, or area
--- Is this the place where it happened?
2 a particular city, town, building, etc.
---- I can't remember all the places we visited in Thailand.
---- The police searched the place.
3 (especially in compounds or phrases) a building or an area of land used for a particular purpose
---- a meeting place
--- The town has many excellent eating places.
position - (байрлал, байр) - энэ нь цэг юмуу аль жижиг хэмжээний газарыг илэрхийлнэ жишээ нь шатрын хөлөгний нэг нүд position байж болно
1 the place where someone or something is located
--- These plants will grow well in a sheltered position.
--- Where would be the best position for the lights?
2 the place where someone or something is meant to be; the correct place
--- Is everybody in position?
--- He took up his position by the door.
3 the way in which someone is sitting or standing, or the way in which something is arranged
---- a sitting/kneeling/lying position
--- Keep the box in an upright position.
4 the situation that someone is in, especially when it affects what they can and cannot do
---- to be in a position of power/strength/authority
--- This put him and his colleagues in a difficult position.
a place where something happens or exists; the position of something
--- What is the exact location of the ship?
place - (талбай, газар) энэ хэсэг бүлэг газар, талбайг бүхэлд нь илэрхийлнэ. Жишээ нь New York is a good place - new york хотын эзэлж байгаа хэсэг газарыг илэрхийлж байгаа
1 a particular position, point, or area
--- Is this the place where it happened?
2 a particular city, town, building, etc.
---- I can't remember all the places we visited in Thailand.
---- The police searched the place.
3 (especially in compounds or phrases) a building or an area of land used for a particular purpose
---- a meeting place
--- The town has many excellent eating places.
position - (байрлал, байр) - энэ нь цэг юмуу аль жижиг хэмжээний газарыг илэрхийлнэ жишээ нь шатрын хөлөгний нэг нүд position байж болно
1 the place where someone or something is located
--- These plants will grow well in a sheltered position.
--- Where would be the best position for the lights?
2 the place where someone or something is meant to be; the correct place
--- Is everybody in position?
--- He took up his position by the door.
3 the way in which someone is sitting or standing, or the way in which something is arranged
---- a sitting/kneeling/lying position
--- Keep the box in an upright position.
4 the situation that someone is in, especially when it affects what they can and cannot do
---- to be in a position of power/strength/authority
--- This put him and his colleagues in a difficult position.
These are all words for a particular area or part of an area, especially one used for a particular purpose or where something is situated or happens.place a particular point, area, city, town, building, etc., especially one used for a particular purpose or where a particular thing happens: This would be a good place for a picnic.position the place where a person or thing is situated; the place where someone or something is meant to be: From his position at the top of the hill, he could see the harbor.NOTE The position of someone or something is often temporary: the place where the person or thing is at a particular time.location a place where something happens or exists, especially a place that is not named or not known: The company is moving to a new location.
difference between place and location
- Essentially, location is more precise(тодорхой) than a place. Location describes the physical structure of the area in specific or general terms, for example, by use of longitude(уртраг) and latitude coordinates or the relative position of the area, i.e. next to the school or opposite the church. A place, on the other hand, is just a physical description of the structure or the area. For example, the neighborhood is a good place to live. A place correlates the area to another area, in order to make a mental judgment.
difference between place and position
- A good way to think of it is that a position is more defined than a place: given the chess board example, the position a piece can be in is defined by the 64 squares on the board. While you could say the knight piece is in the place of A-4, it'd be more definitive to say it is in the position of A-4, to imply that there is structure to where it can be.On the other hand, a place is more ambiguous(тодорхойгүй, хоёрдмол утгатай) and requires no structure.
- Place is an area and a position is a single point. Is my understand correct? If a position can also be an area then why cannot we use them interchangeably?
- @user, "place" is "a particular region, center of population, or location". New York City is a place, not a position. A restaurant, a movie theater someone's home are places, not positions. A "position" is a location, a coordinate on a map. – Old Pro May 10 '12 at 9:11
- Old Pro is correct. "Position" cannot refer to an area, only to a single point or something conceptually that is as close to a single point as makes practical sense in the conversation
- Generally, 'position' is used for when you are talking about a more specific spot. If you're talking about a uh... say country/town, for example, then you would rather say place. Place is also used for buildings etc. –
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