Thursday, August 15, 2013

difference between free, freedom and liberty

not under the control or in the power of someone else; able to do what you want
     ----Students have a free choice of courses in their final year.
free to do something
      --- You are free to come and go as you please.
free (for something)
     ---- If Sarah is free for lunch I'll take her out.
free with something
     ----He's too free with his opinions.
free from/of something
     ---- free from difficulty/doubt/fear
freedomnoun(эрх чөлөө, чөлөө) өргөн хэрэглэгддэг бөгөөд less formal than liberty
the right to do or say what you want without anyone stopping you
libertynoun(эрх чөлөө) нээх өргөн хэрэглэгддэггүй үг more formal
freedom to live as you choose without too many restrictions from government or authority

difference between free and freedom
  •  free will is different from freedom. 
    Free will is you wanting to do something without anyone having told you to do that, it is you doing something that was your own idea, that came from you, that you decided to do being only influenced by you. 
    Freedom is having space, time, to do what you want, it is not having anyone to stop you.
    Hope this gives you a more complete idea. Hope I helped :)      

  • The phrase "free will" for most people is connected with the religious interpretation of a supreme being granting human beings to make their own decisions and to suffer the consequences of such.
    Freedom is based on democratic(ардчилсан) governance which does not mean one is completely free to do as one chooses, simply one is free to act within the confines(хэмжээ, хязгаар) of the established laws and "norms" of the society in which he or she lives.

  • Developed countries like US may give freedom to do many things, but some persons may not have the free will to avail them all.

    Freedom is what is provided by family, society or country. 

    Free will is what a person can think that he can do.

What's the difference between "freedom" and "liberty"?

  • Why not say: Liberty is another way of saying "freedom" by Americans. They are the only people on the earth who use that word a lot. It is not used frequently elsewhere.

  • In the English language, there are many words that come from Latin origin, from the time when the Romans conquered the British. So these latin words have remained inthe language and are used somewhat more formally, while the Anglosaxon equivalents are more everyday language. Eg

    Latin............................... Anglosaxon
    liberty............................ freedom
    abandon ...................... give up
    prohibit ....................... forbid
    chastise ...................... punish

  • they are words that have different origins but came to mean the same thing.

  • Theoretically, none, they just come from 2 different roots. Freedom comes from old English Fréodóm, from the Anglo-Saxon Germanic tribes (originally it could have been something like 'frijadoma', but of course no one really knows for sure), where as Liberty is shared with French Liberté (which I presume comes from the Latin language). They essentially mean the same thing, and thus are synonyms, but to different people they sometimes seem very different (e.g. one might think 'freedom' means that someone/thing has only just become free, while one might think 'liberty' is more general, e.g. 'Our country runs on the foundations of Liberty and Equality'). Hope this helps!


    Ex German/French student, linguaphile.
    Word roots on

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