worried - (санаа зовох, санаа зовсон)Worried is the most frequent word to describe how you feel when you are thinking about a problem or something bad that might happen
thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen and therefore feeling unhappy and afraid
---- Don't look so worried!
concerned - (сэтгэл зовсон, сэтгэл түгшсэн)Concern is when you recognize there is some problem. It's like being alerted that something is wrong. (энэд чи "concerned" - гэдэг үг concern гэдэг үйл үгнээсээ галалтай гэдгийг сана)
worried and feeling concern about something
---- The president is deeply concerned about this issue.
anxious - (бачимдсан, бачуурсан)Anxious can describe a stronger feeling and is more formal. Usually we talk about being "anxious" as something that could be upsetting, and "eager" as something (энэд энэ үгийг "бачимдсан гэсэн утгаар авбал илүү тохиромжтой яагаад гэвэл "eager" - гэдэг үг байж ядсан гэсэн утгатай учраас)
1 feeling worried or nervous
---- He seemed anxious about the meeting.
2 wanting something very much
---- She was anxious to finish school and get a job.
difference between anxious and worried
anxious These words all describe feeling unhappy and afraid because you are thinking about unpleasant things that might happen or might have happened.worried thinking about unpleasant things that might happen or might have happened and therefore feeling unhappy and afraidconcerned worried and feeling concern about somethingworried or concerned?Concerned is usually used when you are talking about a problem that affects another person, society, the world, etc., while worried can be used for this or for more personal matters.worried or anxious?Worried is the most frequent word to describe how you feel when you are thinking about a problem or something bad that might happen.Anxious can describe a stronger feeling and is more formal
thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen and therefore feeling unhappy and afraid
---- Don't look so worried!
concerned - (сэтгэл зовсон, сэтгэл түгшсэн)Concern is when you recognize there is some problem. It's like being alerted that something is wrong. (энэд чи "concerned" - гэдэг үг concern гэдэг үйл үгнээсээ галалтай гэдгийг сана)
worried and feeling concern about something
---- The president is deeply concerned about this issue.
anxious - (бачимдсан, бачуурсан)Anxious can describe a stronger feeling and is more formal. Usually we talk about being "anxious" as something that could be upsetting, and "eager" as something (энэд энэ үгийг "бачимдсан гэсэн утгаар авбал илүү тохиромжтой яагаад гэвэл "eager" - гэдэг үг байж ядсан гэсэн утгатай учраас)
1 feeling worried or nervous
---- He seemed anxious about the meeting.
2 wanting something very much
---- She was anxious to finish school and get a job.
difference between worried and concerned
- For me, the difference is that, in a very general rule, you are normally concerned about things and worried about people. For example:
I'm concerned about Julie's health / I'm worried about Julie, she's having health issues.
In the first case, the motive of concern is, specifically, the health. In the second one, it's Julie herself. The sentences mean pretty much the same but, grammatically speaking, there is a difference in the subject that corresponds to each verb.
- Concern is when you recognize there is some problem. It's like being alerted that something is wrong. This is good. If the smoke alarm goes off, or if the baby starts to cry, you will be concerned. This is a natural response and is healthy.
Worry, is when your concern takes on a life of its own and you can't stop thinking about something, and fearing that something bad may happen. Worrying only makes someone anxious but doesn't solve the problem.
difference between anxious and worried
- I would use "worried" when there is a specific reason to be concerned, and when the issue is important. I am worried if the children don't come home on time; about the job, if layoffs are planned at the company; that the old tree is going to fall on the house when the wind blows.
I would use "anxious" when the issue is not as important or when there isn't a specific reason to believe that something bad will happen.
- Worry is what everyone of us do now and again - about money matters, about getting that new job, and getting home before the roads become impassable.
Anxiety is a psychiatric illness caused by excessive worry.
- I'm very surprised to read your response. Usually we talk about being "anxious" as something that could be upsetting, and "eager" as something pleasant.
To me, the difference between "worried" and "anxious" is that anxious is milder.
I am eager to see him because he's my favorite uncle.
I am anxious about seeing him because the last time we met, we had an argument and although he says he has forgiven me, I'm afraid it will be awkward.
I'm worried about the meeting because I was supposed to that report done and it's not nearly finished; I could even lose my job.
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