human - (хүн төрөлхтөн)
human being - (хүн төрөлхтөн байх)
ерөнхийдөө энэ хоёр үг ижил утга илэрхийлдэг. Яагаад гэдгийг чи доороос харж болно
(also human being)a person rather than an animal or a machineDogs can hear much better than humans.That is no way to treat another human being.
difference between human and human being
- Zero difference. Human beings is just a technical name.
- Probably a created definition for law purposes. Those 2 words have no real scientific differences.
difference between human being and being human
- A human being is what we are.
Being human is what we all should be doing.
- To many of us the difference would be just interchanging of the words. However, it is not so. Both the words has a vast(асар их) difference. Human beings are considered as superior among all animals who are bestowed(бэлэглэх) with intellect(оюун ухаан), ability to speak etc. Being human means being an actual human being or superior in reality with our right deeds(хэрэг, үйлдэл) and actions.
What according to you is the difference between a Human Being and Being Human?
- Human being is who use brain in one or other situation.Being human is a very great art and based on attitude particular person is defined.
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