Monday, August 19, 2013

difference between damage and harm

damage - (эвдэх, сүйтгэх, хохироох) It is associated most often with material
to harm or spoil something or someone
damage something/someone
      ---- The fire badly damaged the town hall.
      ----- Smoking seriously damages your health.
harm - (хор хохирол учруулах) is often used in natural world's things, such as wildlife and the environment, are affected by human activity.
to hurt or injure someone or to damage something
harm someone/something
      ---- He would never harm anyone.

These words all mean to have a bad effect on someone or something.damage to cause physical harm to something, making it less attractive, useful, or valuable; to have a bad effect on someone or something's health, happiness, or chances of success: The fire badly damaged the town hall. emotionally damaged childrenharm to have a bad effect on someone or something's life, health, happiness, or chances of success: Pollution can harm marine life. harm?Harm is also often used to talk about ways in which things in the natural world, such as wildlifeand the environment, are affected by human activity.

 difference between harm and damage

  • Damage does not have to be on a living thing, harm and injury do.

    Harm does not have to leave a wound, and it does not have to be physical. Injury should leave a physical wound.

    They can all be used metaphorically.
  • 'Harm' means ill effect. It is a general term that could include problems with physical or mental health. 
    Although it could also refer to a negative effect on an inatimate object, it is most often used to refer to a negative effect on a person. 

    'Damage' also refers to a negative impact. It is associated most often with material property, but can also refer to a mental or psychological realm. You could 'damage' a car, or a self-belief, for instance.

  • 'Harm', 'damage', have very similar, yet slightly different meanings.

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